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He shall bathe his flesh in water, and clothe himself in them (16:4)
On that day, the kohen gadol immersed (in a mikvah) five times, and washed his hands and feet from the kiyor (basin) that stood before the Sanctuary ten times: each time he changed his clothes, he was required to immerse once and wash twice (once before removing the first set of clothes, and again after dressing in the second set).
For there were five sets of services performed by him on that day: 1) The regular morning services, performed in the "golden garments" (worn by the kohen gadol throughout the year). 2) The special services of the day (reciting the confession over the Yom Kippur offerings, casting the lots, entering the Holy of Holies to offer the ketoret and to sprinkle the blood of the Yom Kippur offerings), performed in the linen garments. 3) The two rams brought as "ascending offerings" and the day's musaf offerings, in the golden garments. 4) Returning to the Holy of Holies to remove the pan of burning incense, in linen garments. 5) The regular afternoon services, in the golden garments.
(Talmud, tractate Yoma)
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Yom Kippur, Community Yizkor Book
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