Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Tu b'Shvat (Wed'y night - Thurs)

New Year for Trees

Tonight-tomorrow is Tu BiShevat ("the 15th of Shevat") which marks the beginning of a "New Year for Trees." This is the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.

Legally, the "New Year for Trees" relates to the various tithes that must be separated from produce grown in the Holy Land. We mark the day by eating fruit, particularly from the "Seven Kinds" that are singled out by the Torah in its praise of the bounty of the Holy Land (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates). On this day we remember that "Man is a tree of the field" (Deuteronomy 20:19) and reflect on the lessons we can derive from our botanical analogue.


Afternoon: Omit Tachnun
Tachnun is omitted from the afternoon (Minchah) prayer services in honor of tomorrow being 15 Shevat.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Women Speaking Up

Saturday 8 March


Thank you to our sponsors: see

St Kilda Shule Events

Rising From The Ashes
Wednesday 12 February

Comedy and Klezmer - SKHC Adult Purim event
Sunday 2 March

Thank you to our sponsors: see

Counselling services

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Invitation - Weekly Women's Zoom Shiur --23

As we step into 2025, I am grateful for the opportunity to return to our Shiur study group. I invite you to join us once again for another year of learning and reflection. It's a privilege to continue this journey together, and we hope to deepen our understanding, inspiration and connection in a meaningful way.
You are invited to join our interactive women's study group exploring foundations of Judaism.
This week, we will be exploring
"Insights into Tu'Bishvat- The Jewish New Year for Trees"
When: Sunday 9th of February 2025
Time: 6pm-7pm
Speaker: Zipporah Oliver O.A.M.
In memory of Mrs Raizl Cylich OBM
Meeting ID: 837 6714 7952
Password: 351548
Enquiries: 0438-345-770
I look forward to seeing you then!
Warmest regards,

Rebbetzin Kimchie's Parenting & Marriage Series

Not to be missed! A special series on parenting and marriage. All ages welcome!

Friday, 7 February 2025

Shabbos Tzetl: Beshalach & Shirah, Yud Shvat

7:05pm - Early candle lighting
8:09pm - Candle Lighting, Friday
9:08pm - Havdalah, Saturday
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status: TBA
Good Shabbos!

Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel for Shabbos Shira, Parshas Beshalach. Please click here to view the PDFs of Weekly Publications.



At a gathering of Chassidim marking the first anniversary of the passing of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, the late Rebbe's son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, delivered a Chassidic discourse (maamar) entitled Basi LeGani ("I Came into My Garden"), signifying his formal acceptance of the leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

Yud Shevat: A Day of Two Rebbes
Learn Basi LeGani
Biography of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok
Biography of Rabbi Menachem Mendel
Yahrzeit Observances (The Rebbe's Letter)

Exodus 13:17–17:16
The name of the Parshah, "Beshalach," means "When he sent" and it is found in Exodus 13:17.

Soon after allowing the children of Israel to depart from Egypt, Pharaoh chases after them to force their return, and the Israelites find themselves trapped between Pharaoh's armies and the sea. G‑d tells Moses to raise his staff over the water; the sea splits to allow the Israelites to pass through, and then closes over the pursuing Egyptians. Moses and the children of Israel sing a song of praise and gratitude to G‑d.

In the desert the people suffer thirst and hunger, and repeatedly complain to Moses and Aaron. G‑d miraculously sweetens the bitter waters of Marah, and later has Moses bring forth water from a rock by striking it with his staff. He causes manna to rain down from the heavens before dawn each morning, and quails to appear in the Israelite camp each evening.

The children of Israel are instructed to gather a double portion of manna on Friday, as none will descend on Shabbat, the divinely decreed day of rest. Some disobey and go to gather manna on the seventh day, but find nothing. Aaron preserves a small quantity of manna in a jar, as a testimony for future generations.

In Rephidim, the people are attacked by the Amalekites, who are defeated by Moses' prayers and an army raised by Joshua.

Judges 4:4-5:31.
This week's haftorah describes the fall of the Canaanite general Sisera and his armies, who were swept away by the Kishon River, and Deborah's ensuing song of thanks. This parallels this week's Torah portion which discusses the drowning of the Egyptian forces in the Red Sea and and the subsequent songs led by Moses and Miriam.

Deborah the Prophetess was the leader and judge of the Israelites at a difficult time; the Israelites were being persecuted by King Jabin of Canaan and his general Sisera. Deborah summoned Barak son of Abinoam and transmitted to him G‑d's instruction: "Go and gather your men toward Mount Tabor, and take with you ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and Zebulun. And I shall draw to you, to the brook Kishon, Sisera, the chieftain of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his multitude; and I will give him into your hand." At Barak's request, Deborah accompanied him, and together they led the offensive.

Sisera was informed of the Israelites' mobilization and he gathered his forces and proceeded towards the Kishon River. Barak's army below and the heavens above waged battle against the Canaanites and utterly destroyed them. The river washed them all away; not one of the enemy survived.

The defeated general fled on foot and arrived at the tent of Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite. She invited him in and offered to hide him. When he fell asleep, Jael took a tent-peg and knocked it through Sisera's temple.

The next chapter of the haftorah is the Song of Deborah, which describes the miraculous victory and thanks the One Above for His assistance.


It came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed (17:11)

Did then the hands of Moses wage war or break war? Not so; but so long as Israel looked upwards and subjected their hearts to their Father in Heaven, they prevailed; and when they did not, they fell.

(Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 29a)

Submission to Emmanuel's? See here

This week on

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Rebbetzin Kimchie's Parenting & Marriage Series

Not to be missed! A special series on parenting and marriage. All ages welcome!

St Kilda Shule Upcoming Events

Pesach in the Yarra Valley

Follow this link for the brochure:

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Upcoming Events at Caulfield Shule

Menopause workshop at Caulfield Shule
Sunday 9 February starting at 10am with a light brunch to follow
Niamh and Leah bring this menopause workshop to life in a fun, comprehensive and easy to digest manner

Krav Maga and Self Defence Series at Caulfield Shule
First Session on Monday 10 February
Each session starting at 7:30pm
Melinda Slonim is Australia's highest-ranked Krav Maga Alliance instructor, with over a decade of experience teaching Krav Maga and self-defence strategies for women and teenagers

Parent program: Tuning In To Kids

Jewish Care is now enrolling for the February intake of our Tuning In To Kids parent program.

Developed by the University of Melbourne, Tuning In To Kids is a 6-week group program that teaches parents and carers to recognise and respond to their kids' big feelings. Through helping children learn how to better understand and regulate their emotions, parents often notice a decrease in tricky behaviours like tantrums and report feeling closer and more connected with their children.

The program is facilitated in a warm and supportive environment with sensitivity for the needs of frum families. Further subsidies are available for those experiencing financial hardship.

Spaces are limited. For further information or to register your interest, contact

Employment: Chabad Malvern

Sunday, 2 February 2025

50% off knitwear

SAR-EL Australasia Newsletter - Join the Sar-El Summit and March in New York City on May 18th!

Dear Sarelnik
Speak to Tammy about representing Australasia at the Sar-El NYC Summit in May!
Tammy WhatsApp:
Join Us for Unforgettable Sar-El events in NYC!
You—our dedicated volunteers—have shown up in the thousands over the past year and a half, standing with Israel and the IDF when it mattered most. Now, it's time to come together and celebrate your unwavering commitment. Join us in New York City for a powerful day of solidarity, pride, and impact. March alongside us in support of Israel, and take part in an exclusive evening of engagement, strategy, and celebration with fellow Sar-El changemakers.
March for Israel – Sunday, May 18th, 11 AM - 4 PM
Join us as we take to the streets of Manhattan for the Israel Day Parade, marching together as one strong, unified Sar-El family. After a year of resilience, dedication, and commitment to helping Israel, we will proudly walk side by side, waving our flags and making our voices heard.
All are welcome to join us! Simply sign up using our dedicated link to receive a unique Sar-el t-shirt and march with our group. This is your chance to stand tall for Israel, connect with fellow Sar-El volunteers, and show the world the power of our commitment.
March with Sar-el
Building Our Future Together: Sar-El Summit 2025
As the sun sets, we shift from the streets to a prestigious and exclusive evening of impact. The Sar-El Summit 2025 is a gathering of our most dedicated volunteers, change-makers, and supporters who have shown an exceptional commitment to Sar-El and Israel's future.
This inaugural summit will be an evening of celebration, connection, and strategic vision. You'll have the chance to:
Collaborate on Sar-El's future and discuss new ways to strengthen our global impact.
Network with fellow Sar-El change-makers and key figures who shape Zionism and volunteering.
Engage with inspiring speakers
This is an exclusive event with limited space. To participate, you must fill out the attached form and secure your spot.
Sign up for the Sar-el Summit 2025 
Be Part of These Unforgettable Events
This is a historical moment where we stand together, celebrate our dedication, and lay the foundation for Sar-El's future. Whether you join us for the march, the summit, or both, your presence will help amplify our mission and strengthen our community.
📢 Sign up today to march with us in the parade.
📩 Fill out the sign-up form to attend the exclusive summit.
We can't wait to see you in NYC! 
Together, we build, we march, and we shape the future of Zionism and volunteerism.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Keren Dahan

Pesach Steinberg & Tammy Graeve
SarEl Ambassadors, Australasia
Telephone - Pesach: 0413055718 Tammy: 0409374831
WhatsApp -  Pesach: +61413055718 Tammy: +61409374831

BDE notice: Mrs Esther Procel a'h



With deep sorrow we announce the passing of

Mrs Esther Procel a'h

Mother of Avrohom Procel and Devorah Neubauer

The levaya will be held at
MCK - Springvale - 50 Browns Rd, Noble Park North
Sunday February 2 at 3:00pm

Shiva will be held at
166 Alma Road, St Kilda East

Minyonim Times
SUNDAYMincha 8.20pm, Maariv 9.10pmMONDAY-THURSDAYShachris 9.30am, Mincha 8.20pm, Maariv 9.10pmFRIDAYShachris 9.20am, Mincha 3.00pm 
Rest times 12-2pm, 6-8pmNo visitors after 10pm please

  Hamakom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Sha'ar Aveilei Tzion ViYerushalayim  
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

The information contained in this notice has been based on information provided directly by the family.

Submissions for BDE notices can be found here.