Tuesday 22 October 2024


Upcoming events at Caulfield Shule

Tuesday 22 October, 10:30am
Tuesday Schmoozeday

Tuesday 22 October, 4:30pm
CHC Youth Sukkot

Wednesday 23 October, 10am
Caulfield Bubs

Tools & Techniques for Job Seeking – November (2 day Workshop)

Register: Contact Efrat on egoldberg@jewishcare.org.au or 8517 5999

Introduction to Bookkeeping - November 2024

Register: Contact Efrat on egoldberg@jewishcare.org.au or 8517 5999

Introduction to Financial Wellbeing - November 2024

Register: Contact Efrat on egoldberg@jewishcare.org.au or 8517 5999

Savion Series Womens Shiur

Drive Kalman

Shmini Atzeret Womens Farbrengen

Property: Seeking Granny Flat to Rent

A responsible mature female is looking to rent a granny flat in the Caulfield, East St Kilda & Elsternwick areas. Call Sam on 0418 177430.

Sunday 20 October 2024

Handyman Services

For all your handyman jobs I am your man. No job too small. No call out fees. Over 40 years experience (ex UK).
Moshe Sadia, 0451930432 
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Saturday 19 October 2024

SUKKAH TOPS - Building, Schach & More!

Sukkah Tops 
Have you covered for all your sukkah needs!
Building, schach (palm fronds and bamboo mats) and much much more!

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Order Palm Schach Now!

10% Donated To Hatzolah Israel & Melbourne
Bulk Orders (50+pieces) Free Delivery!
Order through Melbourne Schach Web Order Form:
ph/sms: 0407-125-114  wa.me/61407125114

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Sukkahmart Blow Out SALE now on !

Over 2200 Happy Customers !
23 years serving the Australian Community
Large Variety of Sukkahs, Schach, and Accessories
Order Online - We Deliver to you - Fast.
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Yom Kippur, Community Yizkor Book

Emmanuel's Email is providing an opportunity for subscribers to add the names and messages for departed loved ones to a special Yizkor Book running on our website at emmanuelsemail.com.au/p/yizkor.html
This is a no obligation free service, but there is an opportunity to make a small contribution if you want which helps to defray the costs of running our website and database.
Feel free to add the names here...

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Parcel and Passenger

Uber style Jewish courier and passenger service
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

The Sukkah Boys 10th Anniversary now Selling Palms

It's your friendly neighbourhood Sukkah Boys! Believe it or not, it's that time of the year again.
We are excited to let you know that we are selling large and luscious palms, hand selected just for you. For only $5 a piece and $25 delivery you're laughing!
(deliveries must be within a 10km radius from Caulfield)
Our online shop includes everything Sukkot related from Schach to the Lulav & Etrog, and everything in between with FREE delivery. (except for palms)
Bookings are open so get us in to build and dismantle your sukkah while time slots last.
Get it all on our Website!
E: sukkahboys@gmail.com
P: 0426839587
We look forward to sharing in the spirit of chag with you.
Shana Tova!
Zuzz & Billy
The Sukkah Boys
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

SukkahMart Blow-Out SALE NOW ON!!

Over 2200 Happy Customers !
23 years serving the Australian Community
Large Variety of Sukkahs, Schach, and Accessories
Order Online - We Deliver to you - Fast.
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.


Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tzetl: Sukkot 5785 & Shabbos

7:21pm - Candle Lighting Sukkot I, Wednesday
8:20pm - Candle Lighting Sukkot I, Thursday (after)*
7:22pm - Candle Lighting Shabbat, Friday*
8:22pm - Havdalah, Saturday
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status: TBA cosv.org.au/eruv/
Good Shabbos!
Good Yomtov!

*From a pre-existing flame

Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel for Sukkos. Please click here to view the PDFs of Weekly Publications.


Leviticus 22:26-23:44 Numbers 29:12-16
The reading begins with an injunction that a newborn calf, lamb, or kid must be left with its mother for seven days; one may not slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day.

The reading then lists the annual Callings of Holiness — the festivals of the Jewish calendar: the weekly Shabbat; the bringing of the Passover offering on 14 Nissan; the seven-day Passover festival beginning on 15 Nissan; the bringing of the Omer offering from the first barley harvest on the 2nd day of Passover, and the commencement, on that day, of the 49-day Counting of the Omer, culminating in the festival of Shavuot on the 50th day; a "remembrance of shofar blowing" on 1 Tishrei; a solemn fast day on 10 Tishrei; the Sukkot festival — during which we are to dwell in huts for seven days and take the "Four Kinds" — beginning on 15 Tishrei; and the immediately following holiday of the "8th day" of Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret).

G‑d declares the fifteenth day (and the subsequent 6 days) of the seventh month to be a holy convocation, no work shall be done during that time. The reading then describes the Sukkot offerings which were brought in the Holy Temple.

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Torah Reading in a Nutshell
Exodus 33:12-34:26
G‑d agrees to Moses' request that His presence only dwell amongst the Jews. Moses requests to be shown G‑d's glory. G‑d agrees, but informs Moses that he will only be shown G‑d's "back," not G‑d's "face."

G‑d tells Moses to carve new tablets upon which G‑d will engrave the Ten Commandments. Moses takes the new tablets up to Mt. Sinai, where G‑d reveals His glory to Moses while proclaiming His Thirteen Attributes of Mercy.

G‑d seals a covenant with Moses, assuring him again that His presence will only dwell with the Jews. G‑d informs the Jewish people that He will drive the Canaanites from before them. He instructs them to destroy all vestiges of idolatry from the land, not to make molten gods, to refrain from making any covenants with its current inhabitants, to sanctify male firstborn humans and cattle, and not to cook meat together with milk.

The Jews are commanded to observe the three festivals — including the holiday of Sukkot, "the festival of the ingathering, at the turn of the year." All males are commanded to make pilgrimage to "be seen by G‑d" during these three festivals.

The maftir, from the Book of Numbers, discusses the public offerings brought in the Temple on this day of Sukkot.

Day One:
Zachariah 14:1-21
The prophet Zachariah prophesies about the world transformation that will occur in the end of days, when "the L-rd shall become King over all the earth; on that day shall the L-rd be one, and His name one."

But first he describes a great war that will center around Jerusalem immediately before the ultimate Redemption. G‑d will gather the nations for war, and He will do battle with them, by visiting various diseases and ailments upon them. Zachariah then notes that those of the nations who will survive this cataclysmic war will be required to go to Jerusalem every year on the holiday of Sukkot to pay homage to G‑d.

Day Two:
I Kings 8:2-21
Today's haftorah describes the dedication of Solomon's Temple, which occurred during the holiday of Sukkot. (The celebration of the completion of the Holy Temple began a few days earlier, on the 8th of Tishrei.)

The construction of the Holy Temple was completed. King Solomon assembled the leaders and elders of the tribes to Jerusalem, and amidst great fanfare the Levites transported the Ark from its temporary location in the City of David and installed it in the Holy of Holies chamber in the Holy Temple. Immediately, G‑d's presence appeared in the Temple, in the form of a smoky cloud.

King Solomon then blessed G‑d. He recalled the history of the sanctuary, how his father, King David, had wanted to build it—but was told by G‑d that it would be his son who would accomplish this feat. "And the L-rd has established His word that He spoke, and I have risen up in the place of David my father, and sit on the throne of Israel, as the L-rd spoke, and have built a house for the name of the L-rd, the G‑d of Israel. And I have set there a place for the ark, wherein (is) the covenant of the Lord, which He made with our fathers, when He brought them out of the land of Egypt."

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot Haftorah in a Nutshell
Ezekiel 38:18-39:16
The subject of the haftorah of this Shabbat is the war of Gog and Magog that will precede the Final Redemption. Its connection to the holiday of Sukkot is that according to tradition the war will take place during the month of Tishrei, the month when the holiday of Sukkot falls. In addition, this war is identical to the one described in the fourteenth chapter of Zachariah, the haftorah read on the first day of Sukkot, which concludes by saying that the gentile survivors of this war will be required to go to Jerusalem every year on the holiday of Sukkot to pay homage to G‑d.

The prophet describes Gog's war against Israel and G‑d's furious response. G‑d will send an earthquake, pestilence, great floods and hailstones and fire—utterly destroying Gog's armies.

"And I will reveal Myself in My greatness and in My holiness and will be recognized in the eyes of many nations, and they will know that I am the Lord. . . . I will make known My Holy Name in the midst of My people Israel, and I will no longer cause My Holy Name to be profaned, and the nations will know that I, the Lord, am holy in Israel."

The haftorah concludes by saying that the weaponry of the defeated armies of Gog will provide fuel for fire for seven years! The Jews "shall carry no wood from the fields nor cut down any from the forests, for they shall make fires from the weapons."


These are the appointed times of G‑d, callings of holiness, which you shall call in their appointed time (23:2)

A king was traveling through the desert, and his son, the crown prince, thirsted for water. But instead of dispatching a horseman to fetch water from the nearest town, the king ordered a well to be dug at that very spot and to mark it with a signpost.

"At the present time," explained the king to his son, "we have the means to obtain water far more quickly and easily. But perhaps one day, many years in the future, you will again be traveling this way. Perhaps you will be alone, without the power and privilege you now enjoy. Then, the well we dug today will be here to quench your thirst. Even if the sands of time have filled it, you will be able to reopen it if you remember the spot and follow the signpost we have set."

This is what G‑d did for us by establishing the festivals at those points in time when He initially granted us the gift of freedom on Passover, joy on Sukkot, and so on.

(Mar'eh Yechezkel)


Submission to Emmanuel's? See here

This week on emmanuelsemail.com.au

Simchas Torah women's Symposium

Savion Series Womens Shiur

Invitation - Weekly Women's Zoom Shiur 20th October 2024

Yom Kippur, Community Yizkor Book

Emmanuel's Email is providing an opportunity for subscribers to add the names and messages for departed loved ones to a special Yizkor Book running on our website at emmanuelsemail.com.au/p/yizkor.html
This is a no obligation free service, but there is an opportunity to make a small contribution if you want which helps to defray the costs of running our website and database.
Feel free to add the names here...

Free tehillim booklets

We have tehillim booklets, personalised with the names of each of the hostages. We have them in Hebrew and also, now in English. Free to all.
This initiative, of encouraging prayer and increasing awareness of the hostages in Gaza, is thanks to Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue

Young Adults' Succot event

Join Sassoon Social and Aliya for a fun evening with dinner and games in the Succah, for young adults (aged 20-30-ish).
Joanne events@sephardivic.com 95278863

Sunday 13 October 2024

SCHC - Bar & Bat Mitzvah Info Night

Join us to find out about our exciting bnei mitzvah programs for 2025 for girls turning 12 & boys turning 13 in 2025/early 2026 together with parents
5pm Sunday, 3 November 2024
Sunday 17 November 2024 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
South Caulfield Shule

Saturday 12 October 2024

SUKKAH TOPS - Building, Schach & More!

Sukkah Tops 
Have you covered for all your sukkah needs!
Building, schach (palm fronds and bamboo mats) and much much more!

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Order Palm Schach Now!

10% Donated To Hatzolah Israel & Melbourne
Bulk Orders (50+pieces) Free Delivery!
Order through Melbourne Schach Web Order Form:
ph/sms: 0407-125-114  wa.me/61407125114

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Sukkahmart Blow Out SALE now on !

Over 2200 Happy Customers !
23 years serving the Australian Community
Large Variety of Sukkahs, Schach, and Accessories
Order Online - We Deliver to you - Fast.
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Yom Kippur, Community Yizkor Book

Emmanuel's Email is providing an opportunity for subscribers to add the names and messages for departed loved ones to a special Yizkor Book running on our website at emmanuelsemail.com.au/p/yizkor.html
This is a no obligation free service, but there is an opportunity to make a small contribution if you want which helps to defray the costs of running our website and database.
Feel free to add the names here...

Thursday 10 October 2024

Shabbos Tzetl: Yom Kippur 5785

7:15pm - Candle Lighting, Friday (Fast Begins)
8:15pm - Havdalah, Saturday (Fast Ends)
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status: TBA cosv.org.au/eruv/
Good Shabbos! Good Yomtov!
Tzom Kal! Gmar Chatima Tova!

More information on Yom Kippur, here.

Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel (may not be ready at time of publication, please contact Yeshiva Shule for any issues). Please click here to view the PDFs of Weekly Publications.

Leviticus 16:1-34; 18:1-30
The Torah reading for Yom Kippur morning describes the service performed on this day by the Kohen Gadol (high priest) in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

A special feature of the Yom Kippur service was the casting of lots over two he-goats — equal in age, size and appearance — to determine which shall be offered to G‑d in the Holy Temple, and which shall be dispatched to carry off the sins of Israel to the wilderness.

The climax of the service was when the Kohen Gadol entered the innermost chamber in the Temple, the "Holy of Holies." Wearing special garments of pure white linen, the Kohen Gadol would enter the sacred place with a pan of burning coals in his right hand, and a ladle containing an exact handful of ketoret in his left. Inside the Holy of Holies, he would place the ketoret over the coals, wait for the room to fill with its aromatic smoke, and hastily retreat from the holy place.

"This shall be an everlasting statute for you," the Torah reading concludes. "...For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d... once a year."

During the afternoon Minchah service, we read chapter 18 of Leviticus, which details the prohibitions against incest and other deviant sexual behaviors. The Torah reading is followed by a haftorah (reading from the Prophets) which tells the story of Jonah — the prophet who was sent to prophesy the destruction of the sinful city of Ninveh, ran away from G‑d, was swallowed by a fish, and learned the power of prayer and repentance to evoke G‑d's mercy and annul the harshest decrees.

Yom Kippur Morning:
Isaiah 57:14-58:14

Today's haftorah discusses the concepts of repentance and fasting, the theme du jour of Yom Kippur.

The prophecy begins with the words "Pave, pave, clear the way; remove the obstacles from the way of My people." A reference to the Yetzer Hara ("evil inclination") which must be removed to pave the way for sincere repentance. G‑d assures that He will not be forever angry at those who repent, and that instead He will heal them and lead them. The wicked, on the other hand, are compared to a turbulent sea: "there is no peace for the wicked."

G‑d exhorts the prophet Isaiah to admonish the people regarding their fasting ways which G‑d finds reprehensible — a message which resonated to this very day:

"Daily they pretend to seek Me, desiring knowledge of My ways . . . 'Why have we fasted and You did not see?' they ask. 'We have afflicted our soul and You do not know?' Behold, on the day of your fast you pursue your affairs, and from all your debtors you forcibly exact payment. Behold, for quarrel and strife you fast, and to strike with a fist of wickedness. You do not fast in keeping with the spirit of the day, to make your voice heard on high. Is this a fast that I will choose? . . . Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush and spread out sackcloth and ashes beneath him?"

Instead, Isaiah teaches the Jews the proper way to fast:

"Loosen the fetters of wickedness, untie the bands of perverseness, send the oppressed free, and break every oppressive yoke. Offer your bread to the hungry, bring the wandering poor into your home. When you see someone naked, clothe him . . . Then you shall call and the L-rd shall answer, you shall cry and He shall say, 'Here I am.' . . . G‑d will always guide you and satiate your soul with radiance; He will strengthen your bones and you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never cease..."

The haftorah concludes with the promise of great rewards for those who honor and take delight in the Shabbat.

Yom Kippur Afternoon:
Book of Jonah; Micha 7:18-20.

The entire Book of Jonah is read today as it contains an important and timely message on prayer and repentance. Click here for more on the connection between the Book of Jonah and Yom Kippur.

G‑d ordered the prophet Jonah to travel to Nineveh and present its wicked inhabitants with an ultimatum: repent or be destroyed. Jonah refused to comply with this directive, and fled on a boat. Strong winds threatened to destroy the ship, lots were cast among the crew and passengers and the lottery indicated that Jonah was the cause of the turbulent storm. He admitted his guilt and requested to be cast into the sea. Jonah was thrown into the raging sea and the storm abated.

Jonah was swallowed by a big fish, and while in its belly, was moved to repent. The fish regurgitated Jonah.

Jonah proceeded to Nineveh and broadcasted G‑d's word that Nineveh would be overturned in forty days. The people fasted and repented and the divine decree was annulled. When Jonah expressed his displeasure with this result, G‑d taught him a lesson. As Jonah sat on the outskirts of the city, the kikayon plant which was providing him with shade was destroyed by a worm, and Jonah was very upset. "And G‑d said: You took pity on the kikayon, for which you did not toil nor did you make it grow, which one night came into being and the next night perished. Now should I not take pity on Nineveh, the great city, in which there are many more than one hundred twenty thousand people?..."

The haftorah concludes with a  brief portion from the Book of Micah, which describes G‑d's kindness in forgiving the sins of His people. "He does not maintain His anger forever, for He is a lover of kindness. He will have mercy on us, He will grasp our iniquities and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea." Micah concludes with an enjoinder to G‑d to remember the pacts He made with the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


He shall bathe his flesh in water, and clothe himself in them (16:4)

On that day, the kohen gadol immersed (in a mikvah) five times, and washed his hands and feet from the kiyor (basin) that stood before the Sanctuary ten times: each time he changed his clothes, he was required to immerse once and wash twice (once before removing the first set of clothes, and again after dressing in the second set).

For there were five sets of services performed by him on that day: 1) The regular morning services, performed in the "golden garments" (worn by the kohen gadol throughout the year). 2) The special services of the day (reciting the confession over the Yom Kippur offerings, casting the lots, entering the Holy of Holies to offer the ketoret and to sprinkle the blood of the Yom Kippur offerings), performed in the linen garments. 3) The two rams brought as "ascending offerings" and the day's musaf offerings, in the golden garments. 4) Returning to the Holy of Holies to remove the pan of burning incense, in linen garments. 5) The regular afternoon services, in the golden garments.

(Talmud, tractate Yoma) 


Submission to Emmanuel's? See here

This week on emmanuelsemail.com.au

CMMikveh erev Yom Kippur

The Sukkah Boys 10th Anniversary now Selling Palms

SukkahMart Blow-Out SALE NOW ON!!

Yom Kippur, Community Yizkor Book

Beautify your Sukkah

SCHC - Ladies Night Out: Fishy with Lifshy

Ladies white/cream clothes for YK

This Week - Eshet Chayil - Mothers and Daughters o...

Strassers kayshelech

Mikveh Erev Yom Kippur dipping

SCHC-Young Adults 20's & 30's Sukkot Dinner

Handyman Services

B&H Sukkot: Order Your Arba Minim

Ferster Hats Australia

Womens Weekly Shiur Invitation

Shoe Repairs Services

RobinAir Heating & Cooling

Join Sar-El... Volunteer on an IDF army base!

SUKKAH TOPS - Building, Schach & More!

Order Palm Schach Now!

Sukkahmart Blow Out SALE now on !

Yom Kippur, Community Yizkor Book

Parcel and Passenger

The Sukkah Boys 10th Anniversary now Selling Palms

SukkahMart Blow-Out SALE NOW ON!!