Monday 13 July 2020

Reshimas HaMishakan TONIGHT & Parsha Shiur TOMORROW

Kollel Menachem invites you to the following great Shiurim!

TONIGHT- Reshimas Hamishkan With Rabbi Yonason Johnson

TOMORROW - Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Leor Broh 

More detail below- 


Tonight (Monday)- Existence in 3 Dimensions

רשימת המנורה - בית המקדש וכליו ע"ד הדרוש

A text-based study of a dissertation penned by the Rebbe in the 1930s explaining how the design and service of the Beis Hamikdash parallels and encompasses all of existence in time, space and soul.

A brilliant tapestry weaving sources from the entire span of Torah literature.

Mondays - July 13, 20, 27

8:30pm with Rabbi Y. Johnson

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 8874 2226
Password: 613
One tap mobile
+61871501149,,89088742226#,,,,0#,,613# Australia


Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Parsha Shiur AT 7:30PM (Note time change from previous weeks)

With Rabbi Leor Broh 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 730 505 7983
Password: 613
One tap mobile
+61731853730,,7305057983#,,,,0#,,613# Australia