Tuesday 18 August 2020

Arba Minim from B&H Sukkot

B&H Sukkot are now open for business, and again offering the largest range of high quality Arba'as HaMinim for the lowest prices in Australia. 
Due to the highly contagious nature of the COVID-19, B&H Sukkot are offering the unique opportunity to have your Arba'as HaMinim selected on your behalf under the supervision of an independant Rav Hamachshir who will check the kashrus and quality of the Arba'as HaMinim prior to kerbside pick-up or contactless home delivery. This is the best way to ensure that everyone can enjoy a happy and healthy festival of Sukkos without compromising on safety or the desire for hiddur mitzvah. There will also be a limited number of COVID-safe personal selection opportunities on offer.
For more details, click here.

ORDERS CLOSE on Erev Rosh Hashanah (18/09/20). 
Don't leave it to the last minute, go to www.lulav.com.au today!  

Wishing everyone a Kesivo Va'Chasimo Tova!

Dovi Broner & Yoni Hersh 

ARCHIVE: www.emmanuelsemail.blogspot.com