Thursday 20 August 2020

Halacha Guides: Elul 5780 - Rosh Hashanah 5781

Here is a list of Halacha guides for the month of Elul, and Rosh Hashanah.

1. Please click here for the Elul Guide which covers the month of Elul, up to, but not including, the period of Selichos.

2. Please click here for the Selichos Guide which covers the week of Selichos, up to and including Erev Rosh Hashana morning.

3. Please click here for the Rosh Hashana Guide including the afternoon of Erev Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, Shabbos Shuvah and the Aseres Ymei Teshuvah.

4. Please click here for the Baal Tokeiah Guide, relevant to anyone who will be blowing Shofar, whether in Shule or on Mivtzoim.

5. Please click here for the Tzom Gedalya Guide, for Monday Tzom Gedalya.


On the uniqueness of Tishrei 5781:

1. This year, the first day of each Tishrei Yom Tov coincides with Shabbos. The last time this occurred was eleven years ago, in the year 5770. As such, it is important to look out for all of the variations that arise on such a Kvius. The Halacha Guides include much additional information relevant to the unique Kvius this year.

2. Another unique element this year is the possibility that many people may have to observe parts of Elul or Tishrei in lockdown. The Halacha Guides therefore include more information than usual regarding a person davening without a Minyan. In addition, a couple of pointers (not incorporated in the guides) are included in this email – see below.

Matters relevant in lockdown:

At this time, it is somewhat of an unknown what Rosh Hashanah davening will look like in Melbourne. Despite that, the Halacha Guide contains all the usual information regarding davening in Shule or with a Minyan, as well as Mivtzoim, for a number of reasons. First, it is our hope that we will be able to conduct Minyanim and Mivtzoim one way or another, even if in small groups with limited numbers. Second, this guide BH reaches various other communities who are able to daven with a Minyan. Finally, it is important to review practical Halachos even in the temporary situation that they cannot be kept.

Some points relevant to lockdown (not elaborated upon in the Guides):

1. Shofar during Elul: The Minhag of Shofar during Elul is to hear it in person. For those in lockdown without any viable option, hearing Shofar via Zoom does not seem to fulfil the core Minhag, at least not to the fullest degree. Nevertheless, it may still be apt to hear Shofar live via Zoom, because Shofar during Elul reminds us that Rosh Hashanah is coming, and its sound arouses within us feelings of Teshuvah and fear of heaven. Similarly, it may be appropriate to blow the Shofar in such a manner for children in an educational setting, while explaining to them why it is being done this way.

2. Hataras Nedarim: Although Minhag Chabad is to perform Hataras Nedarim in the presence of a full Minyan, the bare minimum is three men. There is a debate whether Hataras Nedarim can be performed via a Shliach, letter, phone call or Zoom, and this may be relied upon only when there is no other choice. Nevertheless, even according to the lenient opinion, this is valid only when the three men serving as Dayanim are physically present together.

3. Piyutim on Rosh Hashanah: For someone who davens without a minyan, there is no obligation to say Piyutim, but it is certainly appropriate to do so. Most Piyutim are said in entirety by both the Chazzan and congregation, and that is how the individual would recite them as well. [Although parts of Piyutim are often marked as "Chazzan" and "Kohol" in the Machzor, this is only in order to highlight which parts the Chazzan says aloud.] Exceptions: A non-Chazan does not say the paragraph of Misoid that appears at the beginning of Chazaras Hashatz, and in Shacharis he also does not say the paragraph that follows Misoid.

4. Krias Hatorah: When one davens alone because there is no Minyan available, it is appropriate to read Krias Hatorah in private between Shacharis and Musaf.

We are grateful to Rabbi Shmuel Lesches of Young Yeshivah for sharing all of this with us.

Wishing you a Ksiva V'Chasima Tova!


Yeshivah Shule
