Monday 5 April 2021

Chai LightTalks: 18 Minutes of Inspiration

This new program is the first of a planned series of talks that connect Jewish thought with current life events. This first offering will take place in late April and will consist of 3 brief (18 minute) presentations followed by a live question period. This program will be available in the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel.

The central theme for the initial outing is Life After Covid: What have we learned? What will be the new normal? What does Jewish thought teach us? How do we grow from it?  

The program will be moderated by Marc Blattner and will include presentations by noted Jewish thought leaders Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf from Australia, Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson, and Dr.Naftali Loewenthal both from the UK.

Additional information can be found by emailing or phoning Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm at or 503-957-7842.
