Tuesday 24 August 2021

SCHC - Pre-Rosh Hashana Women's Circle

South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation
Pre-Rosh Hashana Women's Circle
Shternie uses the science of colour in the skin tone, eyes, lips and hair, together with other personality factors such as voice, energy and movement to discover the colours & styles that work best for each person.
Get ready to discover things you never knew about your personal image, unique colours, style and identity. You will learn insights into choosing clothing styles, fabrics, patterns, accessories, makeup and hairstyles…that harmonise with who YOU are! Rebbetzin Sarah will also share words of inspiration and you can enjoy a drink or snack at home:) 
Thursday 26 August 2021 at 8pm
Zoom ID: 898 0199 4508
Password: SCHC
