Tuesday 31 August 2021

Tishrei 5782: Halacha Guides / Machzor Companions

Halacha Guides

With Rosh Hashanah soon approaching, the full list of Halacha Guides for the entire Tishrei is included.
Please note:
1.  The addition of the Yom Kippur, Sukkos and Simchas Torah Guides.
2. Links to Machzor Companions for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
3. A binder containing all the Halacha Guides in one file appears at the beginning.
Halacha Guides:
1. Please click here to view a binder of ALL Halacha guides for Tishrei 5782.

2. Please click here to view a Halacha guide for Tishrei 5782 and Lockdown. Although we remain hopeful this does not eventuate, this guide focuses on many details relevant to lockdown, for the entire month of Tishrei.
3. Please click here to view a Halacha guide for Selichos, for the week of Selichos, up to and including Erev Rosh Hashana morning. 

4. Please click here to access the online Pruzbul facility. The upcoming year, 5782 is a Shemittah year. There are various ways to perform Pruzbul; one option is through this online facility.
5. Please click here to view the Halacha guide for Rosh Hashana, including the afternoon of Erev Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, Shabbos Shuvah and the Aseres Ymei Teshuvah.
6. Please click here to view the Halacha guide for a Baal Tokeiah, relevant to anyone who will be blowing Shofar, whether in Shule or on Mivtzoim.
7. Please click here to view the Halacha guide for Tzom Gedalya.
8. Please click here to view the Halacha guide for Yom Kippur Guide, including for Erev and Motzei Yom Kippur.
9. Please click here to view the Halacha guide for Sukkos, including the leadup to Sukkos, first days of Sukkos and Chol Hamoied.
10. Please click here to view the Halacha guide for Simchas Torah, including Hoshanah Rabbah, Shmini Atzeres, Simchas Torah and Shabbos Breishis.


Machzor Companion

For those davening at home without a minyan, an easy to follow guide to the piyutim from chazoras hashatz with explanations, annotations and suggested niggunim.
Please click here for the Machzor Companion for Rosh Hashana Day 1.
Please click here for the Machzor Companion for Rosh Hashana Day 2.
Please click here for Book 1 of the Machzor Companion for Yom Kippur.
Please click here for Book 2 of the Machzor Companion for Yom Kippur.
Print versions will be distributed by Young-Yeshivah (and other Shules) at the beginning of next week. There will also be collection points on Erev Rosh Hashana.

We are grateful to Rabbi Shmuel Lesches of Young Yeshivah for sharing this with us.

With best wishes for a Ksiva VChasima Tova L'Shana Tova UMesuka!


Yeshivah Shule
