Thursday 9 September 2021

SCHC - "Anything is Possible!"

South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation
"Anything is Possible!"
Adam Yitzchak Polinovskiy is a former Chicago Underground-Rapper and Salesman, who got a Facebook message one day from a Rabbi, and a month later found himself learning in Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Almost 3 years later, he is married, living in Telzstone, Israel, learning Torah full-time, and teaching the inner-dimensions of the Torah. His rapper name was "A.I.P", standing for his initials Adam Isaac Polinovskiy, but also his motto of "Anything is Possible". The motto is the same, but the life is very different. 
Monday, 13 September 2021 at 8pm
Zoom ID: 898 0199 4508
Password: SCHC
