Monday 2 December 2019

St Kilda Shule Thursday Lunch Club

St Kilda Shule Thursday Lunch Club – 5th December

Noisy neighbours?

The call of the Muezzin, Shule music prior to Shabbat, the Shabbat siren, infrastructure projects and more.

Jerusalem's unique noise complaints

Dr Norm Broner, President of the Australian Acoustical Society (2008-'10 and 2012-'14) and Chairman of the Vic Division (2010-'12 and 2013-'15) has had a distinguished career in the field of Acoustics spanning

over 40 years. Having made Aliyah in 2018, he joined the Municipality of Jerusalem where, as Manager of Noise, he dealt with noise issues unique to the world's holiest city.

12:00-1:30pm, 5th December @ St Kilda Shule (via Gate 2)

Complimentary lunch served! Just rock up
