Monday 14 February 2022

SCHC - Saje - South Caulfield Academy of Jewish Education

South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation - Saje - South Caulfield Academy of Jewish Education
South Caulfield Shule is launching the South Caulfield Academy of Jewish Education!
For 5 weeks, 8pm every Monday from 7 March, 2022. There are 5 courses to choose from, for different levels of knowledge.
8 - 8:50pm Courses
8:50 - 9pm Light Refreshments
9 - 9:30pm Scholar in Residence
Each course costs $25 for the five weeks if you preregister or $10 a week at the door.
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Monday 7 March 2022 8:00 PM - Monday 4 April 2022 9:30 PM 
South Caulfield Shule
47 Leopold St, Caulfield South
