Monday 14 February 2022

Employment Skills: Preparing for Interviews

(Interactive workshop and practice session)
For many of us, job interviews can be incredibly nerve-wracking.
Interviewing online can also pose a challenge in today's new virtual climate. Whether you're new to interviewing, have been job-seeking for
some time, or are returning to the workforce, this session will cover what you need to know to stand out as the preferred candidate!
This quick online workshop will include:
the most commonly-asked interview questions
how to answer "behavioural" interview questions
tips and tricks for interviewing online
how to blitz your interview
Participants will also have a chance to practice answering interview questions and connect with other job seekers.
When: Thursday 24 February, 10.00am -11.30am
Zoom: Zoom (Link provided upon registration)
Cost: Free Session
Contact: For registration and enquiries, please contact Efrat Goldberg at Jewish Care on 8517 5999 or

Places for this small-group workshop are strictly limited
