Saturday 10 September 2022

Asher Israel Scholarship applications now open

As a living memory to Richard Asher Wajnblum, the sum of a return ticket to Israel will be provided for a young person between the ages of 17-25 wishing to spend time in Israel for a minimum period of 6 weeks. The successful applicant will meet a set of merit and need based criteria including scholastic achievement. Jewish organisational participation, (synagogue or other communal organisations), Jewish educational background, financial status and desired program of study. Approved programs of study: Livnot u'lehibanot, Israelite, Aish Ha Torah – Fellowships: Yeshiva/Seminary, Hineni, selected AUJS sponsored programs, Maayanot.  People who have already completed one of these programs are not eligible to apply. For application forms please email Carin Danon at Brighton Shule on On return, applications will be forwarded to the selection committee. Applications close on Wednesday 9 November 2022.