Friday 15 March 2024

Invitation – Weekly Women’s Zoom Shiur

You are invited to join our interactive women's study group exploring foundations of Judaism.
*Please note that on Sunday March 24th there will be no Shiur due to the celebration of the Holiday of Purim on Sunday. Shiurim will recommence the following week March 31st*
This week, we will be exploring *'Insights into the Celebration of Purim- The last of the Purim Series'*
When: Sunday 17th of March 2024
Time: 6pm-7pm
Speaker: Zipporah Oliver O.A.M.
In memory of Mrs Raizl Cylich OBM
Please join on Zoom: Meeting ID: 892 0846 8031
Passcode: 613770
Enquiries: 0438-345-770
I look forward to seeing you then!
Warmest regards,