Tuesday 9 May 2023

Boruch Dayan HoEmes: Rabbi Eli Tenenbaum OBM

Boruch Dayan Ho'Emes

With deep sorrow we announce the passing of

Rabbi Eli Tenenbaum A'H

Husband of Mrs Chaye Sorah Tenenbaum (Crown Heights)

Father of:
Rabbi Levy Tenenbaum (Melbourne), Shlomie Tenenbaum (Crown Heights), Seema Tenenbaum (Crown Heights), Rochel Leah Banon (Crown Heights) and Dovid Tenenbaum (California)

Brother of: R' Sholom Tenenbaum (Crown Heights), R' Yitzy Tenenbaum (Crown Heights), R' Levi Tenenbaum (Crown Heights) and R' Alter Tenenbaum (California).

Rabbi Levy Tenenbaum is sitting shiva in New York and is contactable for messages of Nichum Aveilim via WhatsApp on +61419613222 or email rabbi.t@ybr.vic.edu.au.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.