Friday 11 September 2020

AIWF Covid Yomtov Campaign THIS SUNDAY

Covid Yomtov Campaign - Help over 100 local families with the basics for Yomtov!

בס"ד  כ"ב אלול תש"פ

Dear Friends,
Covid-19 is a challenging time for us all, especially in our community where many families are suffering more than others. 

Unfortunately, many have lost their jobs and their livelihoods, whilst others are working, but on reduced hours and pay. The bills continue to arrive and there is no incoming money to pay them. 

The Adass Israel Welfare Relief Fund has stepped up and distributed an incredible $323,800, in the months from January to August of this year. This has enabled 112 families to afford basic items and pay their essential bills, such as electricity and water.

The Adass Israel Welfare Relief Fund does not limit its assistance to Adass families, but also supports the wider Jewish community. Every request for assistance is attended to in an honourable and sincere manner and financial assistance is offered discreetly. Confidentiality is guaranteed. 

We reach out to you to please extend your hand to enable us to continue this vital work.  Please help us help each other by donating generously to our campaign this Sunday at or to donate by phone please call 0395525001 or 0418 418 446.

All donations are tax deductible.

In the merit of your tzedkaka may Hashem bless you with a happy, healthy & prosperous New Year, with an abundance of nachas from your family.

Ksiva Vachasima Tova

Yours sincerely,
Shlomo Brody      
Adass Israel Welfare Fund