Tuesday 22 September 2020

SCHC - Kreplach/Perogen making with Rebbetzin Sarah

South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation- Kreplach/Perogen making with Rebbetzin Sarah

As we get ready for Yom Kippur, learn to make Kreplach/Perogen for your chicken soup before the Fast!  
300g ground beef / (Veg: 1-2 Potatoes pre-boiled)
1 small onion very finely chopped
1 tablespoon oil or olive oil
1 tablespoon flour
Salt and pepper to taste
(Optional) ½ teaspoon of any spice (dill, thyme, paprika, etc.)
DOUGH (You can use wanton wrappers instead for a more traditonal kreplach)
½ cup oil
1 egg
1 cup water
3-3½ cups flour (or as needed to make an elastic dough)
3½ teaspoons baking powder
Pinch of salt 

Thursday Sep 24 at 8 pm – 9pm

Zoom Link: