Tuesday 22 September 2020

St Kilda Shule pre-Kol Nidrei & Yom Kippur online

Saturday SEPTEMBER 26
St Kilda Shule Havdalah & Yizkor reflection: Led by Chazzan Brett Kaye and Rabbi Yaakov Glasman, 7.30pm
Facebook.com/stkildashule & youtube.com/stkildashule12

St Kilda Shule pre-Yom Kippur sermon: Rabbi Yaakov Glasman will share words of inspiration  to prepare us for Yom Kippur observed at home, 11am.
Facebook.com/stkildashule & youtube.com/stkildashule12

Pre-Fast, Kol Nidrei prayer and song
led by Chazan Brett Kaye, 5-5.20pm 
Facebook.com/stkildashule & youtube.com/stkildashule12