Wednesday 23 September 2020

Fwd: Time Sensitive

See below

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: rmz <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020, 14:15
Subject: Time Sensitive
To: <>

I was asked to send this around:

David Southwick's office has requested that as many people as possible
send emails to the Premier's office
( regarding the importance of Yom Kippur, and the absolute necessity of a quorum of ten men to say the prayers of the day, as the essential prayers cannot be said otherwise.
Please also request that Jewish religious gatherings of ten be allowed after Yom Kippur as well (under Step 2 lockdown). There is a meeting with the Premier's office at 6:00pm tonight, so please send emails TODAY before 6:00! Please DO NOT mention the meeting or David Southwick in the email.

It is probably also advisable to mention that allowing religious gatherings of ten only right outside of houses of worship does not suffice as each synagogue has many more members than they can accommodate in immediate proximity to the synagogue (perhaps other locations could be registered with the synagogues?), and that these gatherings will of course be conducted in accordance with social distancing and face-covering guidelines.