Friday 25 September 2020

Yom Kippur Machzor Companion

Machzor Companion (Piyutim):
For those davening at home without a minyan, an easy to follow guide to the piyutim from chazoras hashatz with explanations, annotations and suggested niggunim.

YK Machzor Companion Book 1:

YK Machzor Companion Book 2:

We are grateful to the team at Young Yeshivah for sharing these with us.

Halacha Guides:
These have all been sent out in the past and there are no changes.

1. Tishrei 5781 and Lockdown:

2. Yom Kippur Guide:
Including for Erev and Motzei Yom Kippur.

3. Sukkos Guide:
Including the leadup to Sukkos, first days of Sukkos and Chol Hamoied.

4. Simchas Torah Guide:
Including Hoshanah Rabbah, Shmini Atzeres, Simchas Torah and Shabbos Breishis.

5. Tishrei 5781:
A binder containing ALL of the previous files.

We are grateful to Rabbi Shmuel Lesches of Young Yeshivah for sharing these with us.

Wishing you a Gmar Chasima Tova!


Yeshivah Shule