Sunday 29 March 2020

Kashering Service Update

*Kollel Menachem Pesach Kashering Update*

We regret to advise the community that due to the COVID-19 restrictions, Kollel Menachem will not be running our annual Pesach Kashering service this year.

We will be sending out easy-to-follow instructions and videos on how to Kasher Keilim at home, together with a list of Rabbonim and contact numbers for questions and guidance.

Otherwise this year you may consider buying some Keilim to use and/or using plastic table-ware.

If you have any queries, please contact  0422455565 or email us

May we merit the immediate redemption and be able to celebrate Pesach in Yerushalaim in good health and with our loved ones, with the coming of Moshiach.