Sunday 22 March 2020

Pre- Pesach Collection of Items From Yeshivah Shule/Kollel

We understand that there may be some Community Members who had been classified as Casual / Close Contacts who may not have collected their items during the previous opportunities. We are now also advising all members of the Shule or Kollel to collect any remaining items, from your Shtenders and/or lockers, as we may be restricted from any further access til after Pesach.

As such, please note that the premises will be open at the following times in order to quickly go and collect your belongings (with similar requirements of wearing gloves and signing in and out as per earlier the earlier times).

Community Members:  Monday 23rd March - from 7:30am - 9:30am -  Entry via Hotham St

There will be absolutely no access to other areas of the Campus.

Anyone who is considered a Close or Casual Contact, Pending COVID-19 Test Results, required to be in Self Isolation, must NOT come to collect. You must send someone on your behalf.

We once again thank you all for your patience and cooperation.  Over the past two weeks we have seen the strength of our community, as we progress through this unknown period.  May we continue to support each other and increase in Torah, Tefillah and Tzedaka.

Yeshivah Shule & Kollel Menachem