Sunday 29 March 2020

Unity Torah

We may be separated in body but let us unite together in spirit by dedicating a Sefer Torah for the whole community!

Join the unity Torah scroll! To purchase a letter, word, Posuk, Amud, Perek, or Parsha please click visit!

The only way to face this global challenge is to face it together!

We must do this physically and spiritually. 

Physically, we urge everyone to continue to heed strictly to the health guidelines of the Government and medical experts. 

Spiritually, Jews throughout the ages have responded to crisis by strengthening our spiritual connection to G-d and to each other. 

By dedicating a letter in the Torah for yourself, your children or in memory of a loved one you join thousands of other Jews across the country - bound by the same Torah scroll and united in faith and love for each other!

Why dedicate a letter in the unity Torah scroll?

In the times of the Baal Shemtov there was a terrible outbreak of a dreadful virus in Mezibush. Men, women and children were falling ill to this rampant disease. It reached the point that there was not a single household that did not have within in it at least one ill family member.

Out of desperation, the community leaders turned to the Baal Shem Tov and asked him to pray on behalf of the community that the plague vanish from their midst.

The Baal Shem Tov responded that the annulment of the decree was not something that he could influence. Rather, it was in the community's hands. The Baal Shem Tov explained that the solution to their growing problem was that the entire community participate in the creation of a new Torah. 

The people gathered, took upon themselves to do just that and the Baal Shemtov instructed his Sofer (Scribe) to begin writing this Unity Torah. And, amazingly, as the Torah was written, the community began to heal. 

This Sefer Torah was referred to as the 'Miracle Sefer Torah.'

In these uncertain times, times of social distancing and isolation, it is more important than ever to stand together and be united.

Let us harness the כח הבעל שם-טוב!

In light of the recent virus sweeping through Australia, New Zealand and around the world, the community Rabbis have encouraged everyone to take part in this initiative in dedicating an Australian NZ unity Sefer Torah which will be loaned for free to any Shule that needs it. To purchase a letter, word, Posuk, Amud, Perek, or Parsha please visit!

Our incredible community and country is hurting and many of our neighbours are in need - let's help them. We must spring to action.

You too can be a part of this community effort!

This project is supported by Rabbinical Council of Victoria, the Rabbinical Council of New South Wales and the Rabbinical Council of Australia and New Zealand. & Chabad HQ