Friday 13 March 2020

Yeshivah Centre COVID-19 Update

Whilst we acknowledge there is a large volume of communication being sent at the moment, we thank you for understanding the importance of keeping everyone informed as quickly as possible.

The purpose of this communication is to discuss casual contacts, shule attendance, Shabbos and collection of items.  Below is also a Psak Halacha to give context to what has been included in this communication.


The DHHS has previously introduced a tier, which is defined as a person who has spent at least 15 minutes within 1.5 metres of a confirmed case of COVID-19, but who is not demonstrating symptoms.   

Further to this morning's communication, we would like to recap that the DHHS has sent through the following assessment and recommendation:

  • We consider students who attended prayers with the case and/or his classes on 9/3 to be casual contacts, based on the fact that all classes were of less than 2 hours duration and no attendees have been identified as having 15 minutes or more of direct fact to fact interaction.
  • Given that we're dealing with a congregate setting, our approach and recommendation is to nevertheless err on the side of caution with managing this group.
  • As such, our recommendation is that students or staff who were in attendance at the case's prayer service and classes on 9/3 be excluded from school for 14 days from the date of exposure (ie. Until 23/3/20 inclusive).
  • The advice we are providing is that they do not need to be strictly home isolate, but that we recommend that in addition to not being at school during this period, they avoid other sites of mass gatherings (e.g. concerts, sporting venues, festivals) and sensitive areas including health care (unless they need medical attention themselves) and residential care sites.

Yeshivah Secondary:  We would like to confirm that all staff and students within Yeshivah Secondary who have been classified as 'Casual Contacts' have now been contacted.  As such, if you have not received any notification to date, then you have not fallen into that category.

Yeshivah Centre: In regards to the Yeshivah Centre Community, please note that, based on the above communication, you may be considered a Casual Contact if you davened at any of the following minyanim:

  • Friday 6 March:  Maariv in the Kollel
  • Shabbos 7 March:
    • Chassidus Shiur in the lunchroom from 7.30 – 9.00am
    • Mincha and Maariv at Chabad of Carlisle from 7.30 – 9.30pm
  • Sunday 8 March:
    • Shacharis at Chabad of Carlisle
    • Mincha at Kollel at 2pm
    • Maariv at Kollel at 9.30pm

If you were at any of the above locations please contact the following people:

  • Chabad of Carlisle – contact Rabbi Sufrin
  • Kollel – Contact Rabbi Johnson

If are deemed a Casual Contact you are requested to follow the recommendations of DHHS and not attend the Yeshivah Centre until 23 March (inclusive) and avoid sites of mass gatherings:


We have sought clarification from DHHS in regards to Casual Contacts being able to daven in a minyan.  As per the directive above, no person – staff member, student or community member who is classified as a Casual Contact is allowed to daven in a shule minyan up until 23 March (inclusive).  However if a private, small minyan of under 20 is to be arranged off the premises, that would be permitted, but preferably in a larger room.

At this stage, the Yeshivah Centre remains closed for the rest of today and tomorrow and an update will be sent tomorrow in regards to whether or not the Centre will reopen for Shabbos.  Contingency plans are being prepared in the event that the Centre remains closed over Shabbos.

In the event that the Centre does reopen, the individual shules that are part of the Yeshivah Centre are preparing alternative arrangements off the premises for any Casual Contacts who need to hear Parshas Parah and will communicate with their respective congregations.  Therefore, if you are considered a Casual contact, we advise that you contact your shule.

Please click here to read the halachic Rulings as outlined by the Rabbis of the various minyanim held at the Yeshivah Centre.


We have been asked a number of questions relating to meals over Shabbos and what people should do.  Our recommendation is that if you are a host and have been classified as a Casual Contact that you consider postponing your meal.  If you are a guest and have been classified as a Casual Contact, we advise you let your host know and preferably not attend. 


We understand that there may be some Community Members who have been classified as Casual Contacts who may not have collected their tefillin earlier in the week, but given their extended period of absence from shule may now need to retrieve them along with other personal belongings.  Similarly, with the extension of the closure of Yeshivah Secondary there may be students who need to collect tefillin, books and other materials from their lockers.  As such please note that the premises will be open at the following times in order to quickly go and collect your belongings (with similar requirements of wearing gloves and signing in and out as per earlier this week).

  • Community Members:  Friday 4 – 6pm.  Entry via Hotham St
  • Yeshivah Secondary Students:  Friday 4 – 6pm.  Entry via the Empress Rd lane.

We respectfully request that you stick to these entry points as they have been established in order to reduce mass congregation and exposure to the campus.

We once again thank you all for your patience and cooperation.  Over the past two days we have seen the strength of our community.  May we continue to support each other and increase in Torah, Tefillah and Tzedaka.

If you have any questions please contact the following people:

  • School Parents – please contact the Principal's Office at
  • Community Members – please contact your respective Shule Rabbi or Committee Member

In addition we are in the process of setting up a hotline and will advise when this is up and running.

Only blessings,

Dr Shimon Waronker                                                  Peretz Schapiro
Principal Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah Colleges               CIVL Board member