Wednesday 24 June 2020

Empower Torah- NOW


The Kollel has a great opportunity!

We invite you to join us spurring the Kollel ahead to increasing and unceasing Torah study 

Now live at

A perfect time for your EOFY  giving. All donations fully tax deductible 


Kollel Menachem is here to make Torah learning accessible to all. Partner with us to ensure ongoing Torah learning in our community!

Zooming and Booming: Instead of downscaling, the COVID-19 virus has been a time of growth and expansion for the Kollel. Our online presence and increased volume of shiurim have touched thousands of participants from across Australia. 

In the last 2 months alone, we have hosted over 160 feature shiurim and more than 2600 individual attendees and 54,000 minutes of Torah study!

With programs like our daily retirees' shiurim, we have provided a vital service of connecting and engaging the elderly and vulnerable members of our community during this time. Our Kollel Rabbis are devoted to teaching and sharing the wisdom of Torah through one-on-one study and enriching classes and learning programs.  The Kollel enables them to advance their learning and training to become the future Rabbis, community leaders and teachers in Jewish communities within Australia and throughout the world.  Your support will greatly help us in our work and enable us to expand our activities and offerings to the community.


The Kollel was established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe through the efforts of Rabbi Y. D. Groner. 

Gimmel Tammuz is the Hilulah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe* and the 4th of Tammuz is the Yartzheit of Rabbi Groner. At this auspicious time, help us to actualise the Rebbe's vision; that the Kollel be a home and source of light to every member of the Jewish community.  

*On the Hilulah of the Frierdike Rebbe, the Rebbe instructed that "In the morning, before prayer, charity should be given to causes associated with our Nasi, my revered father-in-law, of sainted memory. Donations should be made on behalf of oneself and on behalf of each member of one's family. The same should be done before Minchah"