Wednesday 3 June 2020

SCHC - Candid Conversation with Fadzi Whande

South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation -Candid Conversation with Fadzi Whande 
Join Rabbi Rabin in a candid conversation about race and reconciliation with award - winning Global Diversity and Inclusion Strategist and Social Justice advocate Fadzi Whande.
Together with US based racial equity expert, Glenn Singleton, Fadzi facilitated the ground-breaking 'Courageous Conversation about Race' program with law enforcement agencies throughout Pe
rth, providing participants with an understanding of how to interact with the State's diverse communities and to be mindful of the impact of institutionalized racism. It was attended by senior leaders from government, corporate and not for profits including WA Police, Australian Federal Police, Dept. of Corrective Services, Legal Aid and Equal Opportunity Commission. As a result of this Fadzi was the recipient of the International Racial Equity Leadership Award in the USA and a finalist for the Australian Human Rights 'Racism it Stops with me' award. 
Live Video on Facebook
Tomorrow  Thursday  4 th June  at 8 PM – 9 PM