Sunday 21 June 2020

Kovetz Gimmel Tammuz

Please find below a Kovetz in honour of Gimmel Tammuz, in both Hebrew and English, containing letters of the Rebbe (including relevant customs on pages 5-7), Maamarim, Mishnayos and Tanya.

Kovetz Gimmel Tammuz Hebrew Version (70 pages):

Kovetz Gimmel Tammuz Heb/Eng Version (92 pages / includes letters in English and Mishnayos with English Translation):

If printing, bear in mind that these files are intended as A5 booklets. If printing to regular A4, adjust your print-settings accordingly.

We are grateful to Young Yeshivah for producing and sharing this with us.

May we merit the Hisgalus of Moshiach immediately!


Yeshivah Shule

The entire community is invited to join in commemorating Gimmel Tammuz with Rabbi Shais Taub and Rabbi Noam Wagner, Thursday, Gimmel Tammuz 5780 - June 25th 2020 at 8pm