Tuesday 26 May 2020

Brighton Shule Pre Shavuot Events

Tuesday 26 May at 5 pm
Back by popular demand. Even if we can't get together for Shavuot lunch, we can still enjoy the Rabbi's cheesecake! Come and bake with Rabbi Alex on Tuesday 26/5 at 5pm and have a wonderful (large) cheesecake ready for Shavuot. Ingredients and equipment required below:

 Email shule for the ingredients list or find this in our facebook event below (brighton.shule@brightonshule.org.au

Flyer attached or click on facebook event - https://www.facebook.com/events/530831407595467/  

Wednesday 27 May at 8 pm onwards
Since we can't get together over cheesecake and coffee on Shavuot night itself, we can at least learn something together the night itself on Zoom. Come and hear from three incredible speakers about the various issues in Jewish culture, history, and philosophy, starting from 8PM on Wednesday 27 May.

8pm-8:40pm: Dr Sue Silberberg on "The History for the Jews in Melbourne"*
8:45pm-9:45pm: Rabbi Jeremy Wieder on "When Science and Torah Collide: on the non-Literal Interpretation of Scripture in Jewish Tradition"
9:50pm-10:50pm: Professor Chaviva Levin on "What to Do with Something New? Coffee, Coffeehouses and Early Modern Jewry"
* This will be a  Q&A moderated by Gary Max  

Flyer attached or click here for facebook event - https://www.facebook.com/events/718501288910250/?active_tab=about