Wednesday 27 May 2020

Mazal tov! Pachter (Gurewicz), It's a boy! 👶🏻


Levi Yitzchok hakohen
& Yehudis (nee Gurewicz) Pachter 
(Crown Heights)

                 BABY BOY

Mazltov to the grandparents
Shaul and Miri Gurewicz (Kfar Chabad)
Dov hakohen and Naama Pachter (Brunoy France)

Mazltov to the great grandparents
Shmuel and Chava Gurewicz (Melbourne)
Pinchos Gedalia hakohen and Henia Sara Pachter (Paris)
Aharon & Aliza Chaya Eliav (Paris)
Zvi Menashe OBM Lipshitz
Esther Katz (nee Lipshitz) Israel